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Mirth Turtle Mirth Turtle Social

@FlyknifeComics and I have been riffing on β€œThe Killing of a Sacred Deer” for years at this point

I was brought into this world to help people (with technology problems of a general nature)

*watching The Practice and crying* I love you District Attorney Helen Gamble

Can't believe Hillbilly Elegy could have just been forgotten. Now it will be remembered forever

LIFE HACK: emotionally... πŸ”’ Unlock

Harvested my first ever crop of garlic and now the apartment smells so overwhelmingly of garlic that it's invading my dreams

Bunches of garlic curing in my front hall.

Contracted the flu! It was not a good weekend

Often when I need to relax I'll listen to the Lemmings Paintball soundtrack


Sometimes when I use... πŸ”’ Unlock

Occasionally I'll do Night Morning, which is coffee at night

Being all β€œDo you like polished stones?” at the speed-dating event

Got some new shorts but the brand β€œRipzone” has me worried about the stitching

Thinking of getting into blood doping because they don't test for that in programming

LCD Soundsystem songs are like Nova Scotian weather – if you don't like it, just wait 15 minutes

Disappointing my cousins daily by not having created a mega-popular piece of software by now

*listens to oldies internet radio for 1 hour* I would DIE for Megan & Ainsley with the Oldies Summer Cruiser

Realizing a fundamental truth about the relationship between love and power and then just like, forgetting it

Tapping into Success Mindset to achieve success (clicking β€œEasy Apply” on LinkedIn)

Thinking of starting a moss business

It's Frasier-core to go a bit bald

Thinking of doing a series called Canadian Basement where I interview people about their furnaces and collect fun spiders

Drinking a shot of milk before the party so that I have the glow of dairy about me

*trying to write a LinkedIn post* Problems of computer? why not hire

Wow, this guy really wants his MTV! Ooof it's not the radio edit

Charlie keeps cool on this hot day

A hot cat lounges on a blanket