Are you glad #SickGoTakedowns is back
Crushing late-game resignation. The ko is too miserable to even attempt. #SickGoTakedowns #MiserableKo #weiqi #baduk
When someone tries to throw you off with a weird opening, it feels especially good to take them down. #SickGoTakedowns #igo #weiqi #baduk
Snapback Vol.2 coming September 22! Featuring 20+ new illustrations by @playerprophet. Marketed predominantly through #SickGoTakedowns.
The ramp-up in #SickGoTakedowns can only mean that Snapback Vol.2 is one month away from release, or that I'm playing Go instead of editing
Aw yeah this takedown was undeniably sick #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
Swung the game by forcing a brutal seki in W's corner #SickGoTakedowns #BrutalSeki #igo #weiqi #baduk
Too busy to play for a few weeks, but turns out I haven't forgotten how #SickGoTakedowns #ICanDoBetterThanThisThough #igo #weiqi #baduk
Sorry for the lukewarm takedown posted earlier this week. Content was spare. I'm trying to do better. #SickGoTakedowns #igo #weiqi #baduk
This takedown was vaguely sick #SickGoTakedowns #IGuessItCountsAsASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
A satisfying Sunday morning takedown #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
Coming at you this easter w/ a collossal Go takedown #SickGoTakedowns #HolidayGoTakedowns #igo #weiqi #baduk
Considering getting help for my takedown-seeking behaviour #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
OH DAMN #SickGoTakedowns #ThatGoTakedownWasEspeciallySick #igo #weiqi #baduk
A critical error by White allowed this late-game takedown #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
Back at it again with another takedown #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
#SickGoTakedowns continues with yet another takedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
#SickGoTakedowns all share two defining features: 1) they represent the move that forced resignation, and 2) they're HELLA FUCKIN SICK
Back by popular demand: #SickGoTakedowns! This one makes the 'cut' #igo #weiqi #baduk
Roped up this dragon for the win. #NoEscape #SickGoTakedowns #igo #weiqi #baduk
Consistently shedding all my web dev / writing + self-publishing followers with this #SickGoTakedowns series, but I'm not going to stop
My opponent failed to secure their territory, allowing me to perform this double-snapback takedown #SickGoTakedowns #igo #weiqi #baduk
Here's another devastating takedown. W loses everything in that corner. #SickGoTakedowns #ThatGoTakedownWasEspeciallySick #igo #weiqi #baduk
Here's another takedown, right before the endgame #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #igo #weiqi #baduk
fwiw #SickGoTakedowns represents the entirety of my marketing plan for this book
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