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Twitter imploding will finally give me the excuse to throw the #ThatWasASickGoTakedown concept into the garbage... but first, a takedown #SickGoTakedowns #ThatAttemptToPopularizeGoWasMisguided #weiqi #baduk

A go board with a big capture in the middle. Dead stones marked.

Many stones working together to achieve common goals on this Labour Day #SickGoTakedowns #HolidayGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk

A huge takedown in the lower half of the Go board. Dead stones marked.

Some games of Go are friendlier than others. LEFT: an exhibition game I played with another streamer RIGHT: an all-out scrap with an internet stranger #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

A completed Go game with lots of empty space on the board. A tangled messy Go game with very little empty space left.

I am enjoying Wordle but I'd still rather post #SickGoTakedowns to the TL #weiqi #baduk

A finished Go game with the final move marked. The same game, with dead stones marked. W has lost an enormous group.

#SickGoTakedowns is getting even MORE accessible! #ThatGoTakedownHasAltText #AccessibleGoTakedowns

White's in an unsalvageable position with Black invading its left side, certain to capture one of two significant groups. It's pretty sick

A ladder seals the fate of two groups. #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

A finished Go game; B resigned after the marked group is caught in a ladder.

Playing a bit of Go this Victoria Day weekend #SickGoTakedowns #HolidayGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk

A huge W group dies in the center.

A β€œsnapback” decides the game! If W plays at K9 to capture the marked stone, B plays again at L9 to capture W's group. W resigned here. #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #SickGoTakedownsForBeginnerGoPlayers #weiqi #baduk

B puts W in atari, forcing the stone's own capture. B will "snap back" to capture W's group by playing in the same spot.

Did I make a whole website so that #SickGoTakedowns could be interactive? No, that would be insane


(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2020-10-07] PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/27419502] GN[Friendly match] PB[mirthturtle] PW[QiQe] BR[24k] WR[23k] TM[600]OT[5x20 byo-yomi] RE[B+R] SZ[19] KM[6.5] RU[Japanese] C[mirthturtle: Hi QiQe: hi ] ;B[pd] (;W[dd] (;B[pp] (;W[dp] (;B[pj] (;W[nq] (;B[qm] (;W[pr] (;B[qq] (;W[jp] (;B[fc] (;W[cg] (;B[jd] (;W[qf] (;B[qh] (;W[rd] (;B[qc] (;W[rc] (;B[mc] (;W[cl] (;B[cq] (;W[dq] (;B[cp] (;W[co] (;B[bo] (;W[cn] (;B[dr] (;W[er] (;B[cr] (;W[eo] (;B[bp] (;W[hc] (;B[hd] (;W[ic] (;B[id] (;W[gc] (;B[fd] (;W[gd] (;B[ge] (;W[jc] (;B[kc] (;W[kd] (;B[fe] (;W[kb] (;B[lc] (;W[lb] (;B[mb] (;W[fb] (;B[eb] (;W[hb] (;B[fa] (;W[gb] (;B[dc] (;W[ja] (;B[cd] (;W[de] (;B[ce] (;W[df] (;B[la] (;W[ib] (;B[ke] (;W[qb] (;B[pb] (;W[qd] (;B[pc] (;W[qa] (;B[of] (;W[pg] (;B[og] (;W[ph] (;B[oh] (;W[pi] (;B[oi] (;W[qj] (;B[qk] (;W[pk] (;B[oj] (;W[rk] (;B[ql] (;W[rj] (;B[ml] (;W[dj] (;B[gi] (;W[jl] (;B[jk] (;W[ik] (;B[jj] (;W[ij] (;B[ii] (;W[ji] (;B[ih] (;W[kj] (;B[kk] (;W[lk] (;B[kl] (;W[ll] (;B[km] (;W[lm] (;B[lj] (;W[ki] (;B[kn] (;W[mj] (;B[li] (;W[mi] (;B[lh] (;W[mk] (;B[mh] (;W[ok] (;B[lp] (;W[kq] (;B[no] (;W[on] (;B[pn] (;W[oo] (;B[op] (;W[po] (;B[qo] (;W[np] (;B[mo] (;W[pm] (;B[qn] (;W[ln] (;B[om] (;W[nn] (;B[mn] (;W[nm] (;B[mm] (;W[nl] (;B[nk] (;W[nj] (;B[lo] (;W[ko] (;B[ni] C[mirthturtle: Thanks ] )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

#SickGoTakedowns hasn't felt right since the pandemic hit, but I'm too invested in this brand to change it now #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #WearAMask #weiqi #baduk

Starting a Go company where I play Go every day as the main driver of business #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

Huge territory and a game-deciding seki on this Christmas Eve day #SickGoTakedowns #HolidayGoTakedowns #BrutalSeki #weiqi #baduk

#SickGoTakedowns took the summer off but it appears that school is now back in session #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk #Back2School

Takedowns like this make ripples through the community. The Go press is notified #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

Been a while, but getting back to the roots with this one. #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

Over-complicating things for the AI and making it rage-quit. If only it knew of our rivalry. #SickGoTakedowns #EmotionlessGoAutomatons #weiqi #baduk

This by-the-book takedown ended the game, but the colossal seki is the true winner here. #SickGoTakedowns #ColossalSeki #weiqi #baduk

A sneaky late-game takedown, but unnecessary alongside a territory so monstrous #SickGoTakedowns #MonstrousGoTerritories #weiqi #baduk

DMs pour in; rabid fans clamouring for fresh takedowns. Maybe this will satisfy, temporarily #SickGoTakedowns #ThatWasASickGoTakedown #weiqi #baduk

At this point you could probably learn Go from #SickGoTakedowns alone

Not a big corner, but still a ruinous takedown #SickGoTakedowns #MinisculeGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk

I don't play a lot of 9x9, but I tried this opening tonight and it resulted in a minuscule but decisive takedown #SickGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk

If you've muted #SickGoTakedowns by now I don't blame you -- but if not, I think you'll agree this one is as advertised #weiqi #baduk #ThatWasASickGoTakedown

A Go takedown on this New Years Day #SickGoTakedowns #HolidayGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk

Thought I'd lost my dragon for sure until I put together this devastating last-minute snapback #SickGoTakedowns #weiqi #baduk