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🏆 footballrun [3k] vs ggCowabunga [7k]
Feb 22, 2024 11:25 PM
(;FF[4]CA[UTF-8]GM[1]DT[2024-02-23]PGN[Play, Review,repeat]PB[ggCowabunga]PW[footballrun]BR[7k]WR[3k]TM[300]OT[30 fischer]RE[W+R]SZ[19]KM[6.5]RU[Korean];B[pd](;W[dc](;B[dp](;W[pq](;B[qo](;W[np](;B[qk](;W[cq](;B[dq](;W[cp](;B[do](;W[co](;B[cn](;W[bn](;B[jp](;W[dn](;B[cm](;W[bm](;B[cl](;W[en](;B[bl](;W[dr](;B[er](;W[cr](;B[fq](;W[cj](;B[fm](;W[fn](;B[gn](;W[em](;B[el](;W[dl](;B[dk](;W[fl](;B[dm](;W[gm](;B[fo](;W[go](;B[eo](;W[hn](;B[gp](;W[hp](;B[hq](;W[dj](;B[fk](;W[gk](;B[fj](;W[ej](;B[ek](;W[cf](;B[gj](;W[hk](;B[ck](;W[eh](;B[ip](;W[ho](;B[am](;W[ao](;B[bj](;W[bi](;B[ak](;W[kq](;B[kp](;W[lq](;B[dd](;W[cd](;B[ec](;W[de](;B[ed](;W[db](;B[cc](;W[cb](;B[eb](;W[bc](;B[jd](;W[qc](;B[pc](;W[qd](;B[qe](;W[re](;B[rf](;W[pb](;B[ob](;W[oc](;B[qb](;W[pe](;B[od](;W[oe](;B[nd](;W[qf](;B[rb](;W[qp](;B[po](;W[ro](;B[rn](;W[rp](;B[qm](;W[jc](;B[kc](;W[kd](;B[id](;W[lc](;B[kb](;W[lb](;B[jb](;W[md](;B[nc](;W[ne](;B[qh](;W[qj](;B[pj](;W[pk](;B[rj](;W[ql](;B[qi](;W[rl](;B[pl](;W[pm](;B[ok](;W[rm](;B[om](;W[qn](;B[pn](;W[qm](;B[nn](;W[ir](;B[hr](;W[iq](;B[km](;W[mo](;B[mn](;W[lo](;B[ko](;W[ln](;B[kn](;W[lm](;B[kk](;W[kl](;B[jl](;W[ll](;B[im](;W[hj](;B[ik](;W[ij](;B[jj](;W[gd](;B[gc](;W[nl](;B[ol](;W[mj](;B[hl](;W[hm](;B[ci](;W[ch](;B[ji](;W[ai](;B[aj](;W[ee](;B[fd](;W[ge](;B[fh](;W[fg](;B[gh](;W[hc](;B[hd](;W[gb](;B[fc](;W[hb](;B[ic](;W[fe](;B[da](;W[ca](;B[ib](;W[ke](;B[ha](;W[ea]))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Review by: Cowabunga

Just a mess
Bad misread
Important group died
Too submissive
Not aggressive enough
Unfamiliar with joseki
Made important life
Stayed calm
Bad shape
Recovered from disaster
Violent game
Fell for trap
Teaching game
Slithered to safety
Opponent got too big
Got disconnected
Unbalanced game

Cowabunga Feb 24, 2024 – 12:16 AM


Cowabunga Feb 24, 2024 – 12:14 AM

Both groups alive and blk still retains some territory.

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:31 PM

I just am flummoxed by this cut entirely.

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:29 PM

This attacks both the single stone and iron pillar so maybe this?

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:28 PM

I'm going to start doing this cut just to see how it Caan be punished bc other than that weird ladder variation I don't see it.

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:23 PM

Blk is just fucked here so why is this cut not more common...

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:18 PM

Maybe this is too slack

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:18 PM

Should I have just given the outside influence?

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:14 PM

This just looks ridiculous and I can't seem to figure out how I should have responded.

Cowabunga Feb 23, 2024 – 3:12 PM

This group being cut shouldn't be a big deal. I chose to decend with upper group so I could focus on the two stones but this position got really hazardous and somehow white got dominance and I'm still not sure how I could have played better here.