🏆 Sam_Gam [7k] vs Anatole [8k]
Jan 3, 2021 09:08 AM
(;FF[4] CA[UTF-8] GM[1] DT[2021-01-03] PC[OGS: https://online-go.com/game/29765139] GN[Anatole vs. Sam_Gam] PB[Anatole] PW[Sam_Gam] BR[23k] WR[19k] TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi] RE[W+13.5] SZ[19] KM[6.5] RU[Japanese] C[Sam_Gam: hi, hang Anatole: hello ] ;B[dq] (;W[qc] (;B[pp] (;W[de] (;B[co] (;W[qq] (;B[qp] (;W[pq] (;B[oq] (;W[or] (;B[nq] (;W[nr] (;B[mq] (;W[mr] (;B[lp] (;W[pj] (;B[lr] (;W[rq] (;B[pf] (;W[qm] (;B[rp] (;W[od] (;B[nf] (;W[md] (;B[qk] (;W[pk] (;B[qj] (;W[qi] (;B[ri] (;W[rh] (;B[qh] (;W[pi] (;B[rj] (;W[rg] (;B[qg] (;W[rf] (;B[ql] (;W[pl] (;B[rm] (;W[lf] (;B[lg] (;W[og] (;B[of] (;W[mg] (;B[ng] (;W[mh] (;B[ne] (;W[nd] (;B[mf] (;W[le] (;B[nh] (;W[mi] (;B[ni] (;W[mj] (;B[nj] (;W[nk] (;B[mk] (;W[nl] (;B[ml] (;W[pm] (;B[lh] (;W[ki] (;B[li] (;W[lj] (;B[kj] (;W[lk] (;B[ll] (;W[kk] (;B[jj] (;W[kg] (;B[nm] (;W[rn] (;B[rl] (;W[qn] (;B[sk] (;W[qf] (;B[pg] (;W[pe] (;B[ol] (;W[ok] (;B[om] (;W[oh] (;B[ec] (;W[gc] (;B[gd] (;W[hc] (;B[fd] (;W[cc] (;B[kl] (;W[jk] (;B[jl] (;W[kh] (;B[hd] (;W[id] (;B[fg] (;W[dg] (;B[ie] (;W[jd] (;B[ig] (;W[jf] (;B[hi] (;W[gf] (;B[ff] (;W[if] (;B[hf] (;W[hg] (;B[he] (;W[ih] (;B[gg] (;W[hh] (;B[fi] (;W[gj] (;B[fj] (;W[cj] (;B[gk] (;W[gi] (;B[gh] (;W[hj] (;B[hk] (;W[ij] (;B[ik] (;W[ii] (;B[fl] (;W[ek] (;B[fk] (;W[eh] (;B[fh] (;W[el] (;B[em] (;W[dm] (;B[dn] (;W[en] (;B[fm] (;W[cn] (;B[do] (;W[cm] (;B[dj] (;W[ej] (;B[df] (;W[cf] (;B[ef] (;W[cg] (;B[bn] (;W[bm] (;B[bo] (;W[dc] (;B[bl] (;W[cl] (;B[ck] (;W[bk] (;B[ci] (;W[dk] (;B[ms] (;W[qr] (;B[pn] (;W[po] (;B[on] (;W[qo] (;B[oo] (;W[oe] (;B[sp] (;W[sm] (;B[sn] (;W[ph] (;B[ro] (;W[me] (;B[sl] (;W[sq] (;B[eb] (;W[ed] (;B[ee] (;W[dd] (;B[fc] (;W[gb] (;B[ba] (;W[ca] (;B[cb] (;W[db] (;B[da] (;W[bc] (;B[je] (;W[ke] (;B[fa] (;W[ib] (;B[ga] (;W[ha] (;B[sh] (;W[bb] (;B[ca] (;W[fb] (;B[ns] (;W[ps] (;B[ls] (;W[os] (;B[rs] (;W[rr] (;B[sg] (;W[sf] (;B[si] (;W[ei] (;B[am] (;W[al] (;B[an] (;W[ab] (;B[ea] (;W[eg] (;B[sr] (;W[] (;B[] C[Anatole: ty Anatole: gg Sam_Gam: thx, gg ] )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Review by: Sam_Gam

Could use early fight to secure dominance throughout the game.

Big territory
Good defense
Stayed calm
Too submissive
Was scared of B's bottom territory, but didn't matter in the end. 
Bad endgame as usual.

Sam_Gam Jan 3, 2021 – 10:20 AM

This would have probably negated some of B's later territory and helped with the fight more than backing down and taking the stones.