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Tagged with: live streaming

Feb 26, 2024

Pushing it to the max

Winter is always a bit slow around here, so it's strange to feel any kind of ambition during a cold month. Nevertheless, I've got a big week planned – two releases, five streams, finishing up corporate taxes, and this coming Sunday, an in-person Go tournament. Plus any other work that happens to come in.

The stakes are high – if I can get everything done, I'll prove that frosty temperatures and minimal sunlight are no obstacle to business success. But failure will surely destroy me, potentially in spectacular fashion.

Mirth Turtle logo overlaid with a redlined speedometer

Will I get everything done?

Will I burn out after the first day?

Will I get wrecked by youths at the Go tournament?

Find out during... Mirth Turtle REDLINE.

UPDATE: No, no, and only a little bit.

Posted in: Just Business

Oct 14, 2023

A tortoise pivot

With the Go airline about to cross over into the Asian market and the release of the open source Shimari Extension this summer, it feels like Mirth Turtle is on the cusp of explosive success. But just in case any VCs are hovering, it's pragmatic to have a pivot planned and ready. Luckily, there's an adjacent animal from which to execute such a maneuver: the esteemed tortoise.

This fall, a new branch of the business is taking shape. Focused on live coding, open source software, and supporting shareware authors from days past, Source Tortoise Software is almost here to diversify the animal line-up. Keep an eye on the Twitch channel for the inaugural broadcast, and let me know if you think of any more shelled creatures I can incorporate into the project.

Speaking of incorporation, Mirth Turtle corped up this summer, which means I'm now obligated to multiple classes of shareholders! To prevent me from being removed as CEO in disgrace, please help the company earn profits by investing in a Mirth Turtle membership. The lifetime option is most prestigious, but now there's a monthly option too, if you needed a reason to put a 🐢 into your monthly budget spreadsheet. Because let's be honest – we all need more animals in our financial documents.

May 31, 2023

Mirth Turtle takes flight

Nothing kills the momentum of a technology-based business like a lack of dev time, revenue, marketing, in-person appearances, and hope for the future. But once spring returns, along with the sun, there's sure to be a boost in all areas. To leverage this, Mirth Turtle is launching a new Go airline! Let's just hope I have enough runway.

Something else to blame for killing business momentum is the shifting online landscape. With the slow, sad collapse of Twitter and subsequent failures of various Mastodon servers I migrated to, I was lacking a reliable social network on which to post cat pictures and Go memes. But not one to wait around for some billionaire to hack together the next misinformation machine, I built one of my own where only I can post! Along with consolidating underappreciated bangers from years past, it sends out weekly newsletter-style emails so you'll never miss a post because of a corporate algorithm. Now I have reliable microcommunication and I don't have to deal with randos challenging my correct opinions or posting their own.

In more chilling news – this year has brought the grave uncertainty of AI. Now that those electric brains are threatening to upend even my backup careers, it feels timely to look back at my 2015 novel Ghostcrime, in which I predicted an eerie amount of this cold robot future (but not, unfortunately, soon enough to stop it from happening). Here at Mirth Turtle HQ, Dawn's working hard on a new edition with more bonus appendix material, an updated cover from Bruce and even a tabletop RPG! Keep an eye out for that... as well as any genius-level logic machines attempting to steal your livelihood.

Dec 31, 2019

Wrapping up the year

Looking back on 2019 and attempting to evaluate my self-worth based on my creative output is a bad idea but I'm doing it anyway. Probably my biggest accomplishment was the company re-brand, but the stock market game was more fun, both to make and play-test. There are still ways you can manipulate the market in order to win, but I wanted to leave that mechanic in the game, for realism.

I also experimented with doing a Go live stream this year and worked out the kinks, some technical, and some with the format itself. 2020 is going to bring a different flavour of stream as well as more Go content and tools, but this was a solid start.

That was pretty much it for this year – not my most prolific, but now I've got some bigger projects in the works, and I'm carving off more time for creating. Please help by purchasing a Lifetime Membership.

Posted in: Just Business
